Elite Security
Elite Online offers products from the best names in the security industry and we specialize in the supply and installation of products in the following categories:
Click/Tap one of the categories above to get started.
The FOG BANDIT's patented design and unprecedented track record of performance & reliability has earned it a reputation that has attracted end users from all spectrums of the business world. From blue chip companies to corner stores, the FOG BANDIT is widely used to protect people and assets against the threats of robbery and burglary.
CCTV Surveillance
We offer clean, professional installations of some of the best products in the industry to help keep your home and business protected. If you have any of the following:
Risk of robberies or shoplifting
Risk of breaking and entering
Staff that might steal items from your premises
Unpredictable environments where violent situations can erupt
Then contact us to chat about what the most cost-effective CCTV solution might be for you.
See who's knocking with advanced intercom product solutions.
Control who has access into your home or business, whether you're at home or abroad. Advanced remote solutions ensure you can see outside your door from anywhere you are in the world and that you can give access to authorized people without having to leave them your keys.
Some of the benefits of biometrics for home owners:
Increased security, as biometrics are almost impossible to fake or hack
Easy to use and fast-operating
Some of the benefits of biometrics for business owners:
Reduces accountability by providing indisputable data on anyone using the system
Easily scalable from small businesses to giant corporations
Simple to install and use, no need for constant training on system use